Applicant Privacy Notice

Last Updated: February 17, 2022

Bridge 2 Partners, Inc. (“Company”) has adopted this CCPA Notice at Collection for California Job Applicants (“Notice”) to comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (the “CCPA”). This Notice applies solely to job applicants applying for employment with the Company who reside in the state of California.

Applicant Personal Information. The information below describes the categories of Applicant Personal Information that may be collected in connection with the application and the purposes for which such information may be used.

Identifiers and Contact information. This category includes names, addresses, telephone numbers, mobile numbers, email addresses, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, driver’s license or state identification numbers, and other similar contact information and identifiers.

Protected classification information. This category includes characteristics of protected classifications under California or federal law.

Internet or other electronic network activity information. This category includes without limitation:

  • all activity on the Company’s information systems, such as internet browsing history, search history, and email communications
  • all activity on communications systems including phone calls, call logs, voice mails, text messages, chat logs, and app use

Geolocation data. This category includes GPS location data from company-issued mobile devices and company-owned vehicles.

Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information. This category includes, for example, information collected from camera, thermometers, and similar devices.

Professional and employment-related information. This category includes without limitation:

  • data submitted with employment applications including employment history, recommendations, etc.
  • background check and criminal history
  • work authorization
  • fitness for duty data and reports

Education information. This category includes education history.

Limited medical information. This category includes without limitation:

  • symptoms and other indicators of exposure to the coronavirus, COVID-19
  • fitness for duty data and reports
  • leave of absence information including family obligations, physical and mental health data concerning employee and his or her family members
  • travel information and information regarding close contacts

Inferences drawn from the Applicant Personal Information in the categories above.

  • The Company may draw inferences from PI to create a profile about applicants that reflects the applicant’s preferences, characteristics, psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes.
  • The Company may engage in human capital analytics to identify certain correlations about individuals and success on their jobs.
  • The company may us PI to inform HR about policies and procedures

Purposes Personal Information is Used.

  • Collect and process employment applications, including confirming eligibility and qualifications for employment, background and related checks, as necessary.
  • Evaluate an individual’s appropriateness for a particular position at the Company, or promotion to a new position.
  • Communicate with you about your application.
  • Maintaining personnel records and record retention requirements.
  • Complying with applicable state and federal labor, employment, equal employment opportunity, and related laws.
  • Preventing unauthorized access to or use of the Company’s property, including the Company’s information systems, electronic devices, network, and data.
  • Investigating complaints, grievances, and suspected violations of Company policy.
  • Protect the legal rights, privacy, safety or property of Company or its employees, agents, contractors, customers or the public.
  • Protect against fraud or other illegal activity or for risk management purposes.
  • Enforce the Site’s terms of use
  • Carry out a license, sale or transfer of all or a portion of the business or assets (including in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceedings), or manage or arrange for acquisitions, mergers and re-organizations.
  • Design, implement, and promote the Company’s diversity and inclusion programs
  • Improve safety of our facilities for employees, customers and the public with regard to use of Company property and equipment

To carry out the purposes outlined above, the Company may share information with third parties, such as background check vendors, third-party human resources and information technology vendors, outside legal counsel, and state or federal governmental agencies. The Company may add to the categories of PI it collects and the purposes it uses PI. In that case, the Company will inform you.

If you have questions about this notice, you may email

Changes to Statement. We reserve the right to amend this Notice at any time without advance notice.